Capitalism & the Social Good Group - Website Re-Development
Goals: Streamline the website's information, consolidate and improve tabs (especially events and resources). Clearly state, consulting firms specialties -: Venture Capital Business and Fundraising Advisory Services: Fundraising assistance for startups focusing on organizations with a purpose that will impact the energy transition, women-led businesses, healthcare and technology with a focus on the UN SDGs. Sustainability Advisory and Implementation Services include but not limited to: Sustainability & Circular Economy Development Establish Sustainable Business Practices Carbon Neutrality Master Planning & Implementation Third Party Certifications including LEED and WELL Renewable Energy Analysis Update Team Information
Supporting Emerging Market & Global Social Entrepreneurs and Investors
To identify mature startups who are in their growth stage yet in need of resources and services to assist them as they expand and scale their business. The list will be used to prospect these companies and offer our services which include: investor deck evaluation and improvement, brand and marketing alignment with ESG and UN SDG criteria, introductions to sustainable investors, workforce development assistance and general sustainability assessment.