Accounting Dashboard
We are looking for students who can help us create a dashboard for our accounting system using google sheets or excell Project tasks include: Discovery meeting to understand our needs Interview managers to assess what type of information we need in the dashboard Create a dashboard that highlights our budget areas (e.g. salaries, office expenses, marketing, etc.). Deliverables A 10-15 minute presentation on key findings and recommendations A detailed report including their research, analysis, insights and recommendations
UX design for Weconomie.ca
We are looking for students who can help us test the UX of https://weconomie.ca/ This website is designed using Django web foramework Project tasks include: Discovery meeting to understand our needs Interview different types of users to gather design specs. Conduct user testing to understand and optimize existing design challenges. Create a prototype Deliverables UX analysis Three Concepts Review and prototype report
Collecting stories and case studies of immigrant co-operatives
We are looking for students who can help us write case studies on coops. This project is co-created by WEC and BCCCOP Deliverables Creating a database of co-ops, stories and case studies highlighting immigrant co-operatives, with attention to: Problems/challenges the group was facing How the co-operative model served as a solution to those problems Details about their co-operative structure Contact information for participants to reach out for mentorship Skills: Good writing skills Excellent research skills Knowledge in feminism and/or economic issues. Capacity to create graphs and infographics.
Case Studies
We are looking for students who can help us write 15 case studies for our HOB project https://womenseconomiccouncil.ca/herownboss Deliverables 15 case studies on change in outcomes in our Her Own Boss participants Skills: Good writing skills Excellent research skills Knowledge in feminism and/or economic issues. Capacity to create graphs.
Social Media Content Project
Positions available: 2 We are looking for students-(s) who will examine our client's brand, target audience, and digital marketing strategies to recommend social media content and create social media content Deliverables Write in-depth well-researched article/blogpost Create a podcast Targeted social media content for FB, LinkedIn and Twitter Skills: Good writing skills Excellent research skills Knowledge in feminism and/or economic issues. Capacity to create graphs and infographics using Adobe Creative Cloud or other tools Familiarity with social media platforms
Volunteer Program Documentations
Position: 4 people We are looking for students who will support our HR team and help us build our volunteer program. Deliverables Help us define our volunteer program impact areas and create a system/mechanism to track them. Refine our volunteer program needs' assessment . Review and amend our volunteer program policy . Create volunteers' satisfactions evaluation form Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our Volunteer manager in BC.
Admin and Impact tracking
Positions available: 1 We are looking for a students who will support our HR team and help us track or impact. Deliverables Help us define our impact areas and create a system/mechanism to track them. Help our team draft the annual report. Do some admin work (take meeting notes, organize files, events). Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our Volunteer manager in BC.
Videos for Social Media
Positions available: 1 We are looking for a students who will support our communications and social media team. Deliverables Create short videos for our social media. Contribute to updating and improving our marketing and branding guide Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our Volunteer manager in NL.
Market Research for Small Businesses
WEC is conducting a research project titled “ Her Own Boss! “. It's an innovative that explores the challenges in self-employment for visible minority immigrant women in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Northern and Eastern Ontario, and Eastern Newfoundland. Project Timeline: March 2021 - May 2021 What is this project about? “Her Own Boss!” (HOB) is community-based action research involving direct consultation and collaboration with researchers, NPOs, and community members. Through this project, we will support immigrant women in their business journey, learn how current services and resources meet their needs, and find out how to improve service accessibility. Read more about the project here https://womenseconomiccouncil.ca/herownboss/ We are looking for Canadian students who can help us support Her Own Boss Program participants via the following: Deliverables Perform an in-depth internal and external SWOT analysis. Marketing strategy review: Providing recommendations on what methods you Her Own Boss participants use to leverage and improve their marketing strategy, based on budget. Providing insight and recommending sustainable strategies related to the Marketing Mix (Product, Place, Price and Promotion). Social Media: An analysis of how to leverage social media channels to reach different customer groups. Conduct external analysis (including customer, competitor, market and environment) as well as marketing mix performance. Developing an integrated online/offline communication strategy with pop-up stores, outdoor display ads. Analysis and recommendations on your web strategy and website design. Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
Exploring the Challenges of Entrepreneurship for Newcomer Women in Canada
Positions Available: 3 (individually or as a team) Introduction In Canada, the rise of women’s entrepreneurship has been especially dramatic, with activity rates for both startups and established business ranking among some of the highest in the world. While immigrant women who work for themselves may typically conjure up images of nannies and housekeepers, the truth is their businesses are all across the board in areas such as the food industry, manufacturing, engineering, and legal services. The Women’s Economic Council is a gathering of women-centered community economic development organizations and practitioners. We are a national charitable organization helping Canadian women, especially marginalized women and those at risk of poverty, achieve their economic goals. We work with community organizations, helping to connect, nurture, and support. In 2019 the Women’s economic council launched a project called Her Own Boss! What is Her Own Boss! Her Own Boss explores the challenges in self-employment for visible minority immigrant women in British Columbia, Newfoundland and Ontario. Project objective: HOB is currently active in various areas; We have weekly interactive information sessions on basis of the participants’ demand. Our previously conducted sessions were on Marketing strategies, writing business plan, getting permits for home-based businesses, legal advice by the city of St. John’s, Financing a business, Credit score and etc. In this project apart from helping newcomer women explore the business options and navigate through the legal system, we try to figure out what barriers and reasons these women have in starting their business. This is what this project is aimed at discovering. Methodology: Community-based action research; Methods: Online interviews Focus groups Sample size: 30 participants need to be interviewed, and the responses need to be analyzed. 10 service providers need to be interviewed. The interview design should consider: Audience Appropriate length Question order Bias considerations Representative sample size Value of data The results of this research and will be used by the Women's Economic Council to provide suggestions on empowerment of visible minority immigrant women to start their business or to be actively engaged in the Canadian job market.
Social Media Content Project
We are looking for students-(s) who will help us amplify our message through social media Deliverables Write in-depth well-researched article/blogpost Targeted social media content for FB, LinkedIn and Twitter Skills: Good writing skills Excellent research skills Knowledge in feminism and/or economic issues. Capacity to create graphs and infographics using Adobe Creative Cloud or other tools Familiarity with social media platforms
Website Accessibility Repair Using Django
The Problem We have a website https://weconomie.ca/ that is built using Django. Our team has minimal knowledge of how to edit the website We need to add a video tutorial on how to use the website on the main page We conducted an accessibility audit to make our website accessible to individuals with different abilities. We received a list of recommendations with instructions of how to make changes. This includes the codes and where to add them. Deliverables Add the tutorial we have to the main page of the website Execute all the accessibility recommendations that resulted from the audit (we have a document of the recommendations and the codes) Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
Explore the challenges in self-employment for visible minorities
WEC is conducting a researching project titled “ Her Own Boss! “. It's an innovative that explores the challenges in self-employment for visible minority immigrant women in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Northern and Eastern Ontario, and Eastern Newfoundland. Project Timeline: September 2019 to March 2021. What is this project about? “Her Own Boss!” (HOB) is community-based action research involving direct consultation and collaboration with researchers, NPOs, and community members. Through this project, we will support immigrant women in their business journey, learn how current services and resources meet their needs, and find out how to improve service accessibility. Read more about the project here https://womenseconomiccouncil.ca/herownboss/ We are looking for Canadian students who can help us with the following: Deliverables Survey stakeholders Follow up on surveys Conduct a literature review Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
Onboarding Training Material
The Problem Our organization is committed to community economic development (CED), equality, and gender justice. We want to make sure that our staff and volunteers, who work with us and represent us, perform their job duties on the light of these values. We do not have onboarding material that explains concisely what CED and gender justice are about. Deliverables Create training material for our volunteer and staff that highlights our values: community economic development, inclusivity, diversity and gender awareness Preferably, create visual aids that illustrate those values visually, e.g. PowerPoint, infographics ..etc Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
Video Intro for Her Own Boss
The Context We are building an online knowledgebase consisting of videos on YouTube using the hashtag #HerOwnBoss for our Her own boss! project . These videos will be a woman-to-woman explainer on main learnings from our workshops on how to start a small business. In HOB, we covered extensive material about how to start a business. We invited 6 organizations and guests to train participants and explain what their services are. The topics participants will talk about in the videos might include available resources to write a business plan, free digital resources to start a business, the benefits of accessing X organization’s services, the importance of free resources and workshops (like those WEC offers), how to choose a business model ..etc. The idea is to have women who want to launch business helping other women going through the same process. Starting a business is an intimidating experience for everyone, particularly for newcomer women. Immigrant women will be more engaged and, therefore, learn faster if the person who is providing the explanation is someone like them.We are revising our brand and marketing material The Problem We are looking for a good designer to help us create a video intro for all Her Own Boss participants Some participants will need help in editing their final video Deliverables Create a video intro. e.g. https://www.fiverr.com/zabstractstudio/create-10-amazing-logo-intro-video?context_referrer=search_gigs&source=top-bar&ref_ctx_id=8af0be60-9b58-4a8e-96b4-7517697b8cae&pckg_id=1&pos=27&context_type=auto&funnel=5a62bc4e-5c9b-4605-adf5-dab5fb2a91fe&seller_online=true# and https://www.fiverr.com/hotshot_studio/do-perfect-4k-animated-logo-intro?context_referrer=search_gigs&source=top-bar&ref_ctx_id=8af0be60-9b58-4a8e-96b4-7517697b8cae&pckg_id=1&pos=20&context_type=auto&funnel=5a62bc4e-5c9b-4605-adf5-dab5fb2a91fe Potentially help with the creation or editing of one video only (less than 10 minutes long) Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
Branding through Graphic Illustration
We are revising our brand and marketing material The Problem We are looking for a good designer to come up with a new modern logo for our organization. We do not have personalized graphic illustrations to use on our website and marketing material. Deliverables 3 logos (vector), using our brand colours (see file attached). Create 5 graphic illustrations that reflect what we are about (women in business, growth through collaboration and community economic development). The images should be in vector as well. Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
Website Accessibility Repair Using Django
The Problem We have a website https://weconomie.ca/ that is built using Django. Our team has minimal knowledge of how to edit the website We need to add a video tutorial on how to use the website on the main page We conducted an accessibility audit to make our website accessible to individuals with different abilities. We received a list of recommendations with instructions of how to make changes. This includes the codes and where to add them. Deliverables Add the tutorial we have to the main page of the website Execute all the accessibility recommendations that resulted from the audit (we have a document of the recommendations and the codes) Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
Website Design
The Problem We wish to improve and update our website. Our website template is old. Some of the links on our current website do not make sense and should be reorganized. We are a non-profit without a donation button Deliverables Revise how the links in our current website are structured and suggest a different organization using a tree diagram. Design a new website based on our feedback using Wordpress. We can provide a Wordpress template/theme Add a donation button (we can provide the plugin) Link our online forms to Mailchimp Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
B2B Profitable Service Model
We are trying to diversify the sources of revenue. To that end, we are looking to come up with a service idea that will help us be financially sustainable. Deliverables Identify potential services from which WEC can generate revenue. Based on the services Identified, list potential clients Provide clients segment analysis Provide competitor analysis Provide a comprehensive business plan or business planning tool (e.g.: business model canvas, others) Write an elevator pitch Resources: Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration. As well as a dedicated communication channel with our manager in BC.
Non-Profit Staffing and Volunteer Recruitment Optimization
Our staff and volunteers are at the heart of what we do, and their recruitment is critical to our organization’s success. Finding individuals who can invest their time in our mission, whether as employees or volunteers, can be costly. We want to find ways to optimize this process so we can find great candidates faster, and spend more time serving our clients and community. We would like students to help us with one or more of the following activities: Document the current state of our staff and/or volunteer recruitment process, from the time the resource need is identified to the time the position is filled. Assess our current process and make recommendations for improvements and efficiencies. Document and map a target state process that we can use to train our team on the new process.