Streamline our Job Posting efforts

Project scope
No categories selectedSkills
knowledge of ksa's teamwork skills analytical skills communication skills written communication skillsWe are looking for HR minded students to help streamline our job descriptions across our project sites. Students would collect the job descriptions, analyze them and create a template for the description and posting format as well as do some research on other similar roles and what they included in their descriptions/postings.
We have current job descriptions that are currently used for different projects across different locations, but are looking to consolidate and simplify the job posting process. We're looking to have students analyze them, provide any feedback on KSA's and evidently, create a universal template. This template would ideally be based of our current offerings, and other things we can include based on research on similar roles. Furthermore, we would want to highlight our unique workplace culture and values within the postings to additionally attract candidates to CCRW.
To accomplish this, we believe you should focus on:
- Reviewing our current job postings
- Consolidate the job postings into 4-6 various templates
- Recommend additional information that should be included within the postings that highlights CCRW's values and workplace culture
- Provide recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of how we advertise and market job vacancies themselves.
You will be provided access to a member of our leadership team, who will provide job postings and information as necessary.
We hope to improve our current job posting process by exciting our new employees and helping them be more successful. We also want to make our job posting experience more aligned with industry best practices.
About the company
We recognize the capability of persons with disabilities and support their choices for equitable and meaningful participation in society.
We believe that we achieve our mission through partnerships, teamwork, cooperation, trust and mutual respect among and with all stakeholders, employees and volunteers.
We believe that we are responsible to those persons we serve, and hold accountability to our stakeholders, members, community at large and our benefactors.
Above all, we believe that the CCRW exists to create an environment where persons with disabilities may attain equality of opportunity.
As a national registered not-for-profit organization committed to supporting and promoting the meaningful and equitable employment of persons with disabilities, we believe that it is essential to partner and form alliances with groups and organizations representing persons with disabilities; and to work closely with all levels of government to influence change in policy reflecting a strengthened commitment to person with disabilities.