Applied Research for Mackenzie Legion

Project scope
Communications Leadership Humanities Social sciencesSkills
public administration psychology applied research secondary research self-motivation women's studies population health geography anthropology social workMackenzie Legion is located in the remote community of Mackenzie, BC. It is located 200 km north of Prince George. Mackenzie is unique in that it hosts the World’s Largest Tree Crusher.
Mackenzie Legion was started in 1972. Our focus is to help support our community in any way we can. We help our veterans, seniors and youth groups.
Research Questions
Our community is in need of senior housing. Our question is: “what type of facility would best suit the needs of Mackenzie?” We have an increasing number of seniors in our community, with that comes the issue of how they can remain in the community that they are living in. Due to lack of senior housing, many have to move to larger centers where seniors housing is available. Many have to leave their families in a time when they most need them.
Why should I do this?
Through this applied research project, you will benefit from:
- A letter of reference for your future endeavors.
- 1 year membership to the Royal Canadian Legion.
- Optional participation in Remembrance Day ceremonies - learn what we are all about.
- Optional participation in the Poster and Essay Contest as judges (Mackenzie-based students).
- Build relationships with seniors.
- We are applying for Riipen “Level Up” Grant. If we are selected students will receive an honorarium.
Tell me about the project scope
This project has 5 steps:
1. Talk to the Mackenzie Senior Coordinator to learn what has already been done.
2. Conduct secondary research to identify 3 – 5 interesting models / approaches that community organizations in similar rural towns have used to support seniors to stay in their town.
3. Informally share the preliminary results with 2- 3 seniors and listen to their ideas and concerns. We will help you find and meet with seniors.
4. Prepare and deliver a 20 – 30 minute presentation for the Legion executives. We may also invite a seniors group to provide feedback.
5. Prepare a written report for the Legion which explains models / approaches that could be useful for Mackenzie. This will be used to “get the ball rolling” if we decide to move forward with this project.
Optional: If you feel confident we would invite you to present your results to the town council.
What resources are available to do this project?
- We feel that there has already been some leg work done toward this project, so a starting point would be to talk to the District to find out who the senior coordinator is.
- Mackenzie Senior Programs – we will introduce you.
- BC Housing.
- If student is interested in learning more about the legion as a whole we can provide websites that they can access.
Would I be a good fit? All students, are encouraged to apply. This applied research project would be a great fit for:
UNBC Students– Social Work, Anthropology, Environment and Sustainability, First Nations, Geography, Northern Studies, Women’s Studies, Public Administration, Community and Population Health, Psychology, Planning
CNC Students– Social Work, Kinesiology, University Studies, Human Services
Relevant experience or skills:
- The student who decides to take on this project will benefit from having good communications skills, and be self-motivated. It would benefit them if they have an interest in small northern communities and if they enjoy working with seniors.
- We encourage indigenous students, and students with disabilities to apply.
We look forward to our partnership with students!
We will meet during the following key milestones:
- On-boarding and orientation (1 hour)
- Mid-point check-in: after you have identified 3 – 5 interesting models / approaches (1 hour)
- Final presentation: we would set it up at the branch and by zoom (1 hour total)
- Reflection (1 hour)
How will we communicate?
During this project we will communicate by: Lys and Lawrence will be available to meet with students. You can email or call them, any time. They are also available by zoom.
About the company
This project will be administered by Community Futures Fraser Fort George. However, projects will be implemented with local organizations including: Big Brothers Big Sisters, Carrier Sekani Family Services, Mackenzie Legion, Omenica Artist-Run Centre, Theatre NorthWest, Together We Stand and Valemount Senior Citizen Housing Society