International Social Work Research and Educational Exchange

Project scope
Data analysis Social work International development Grant writing EducationSkills
curriculum development social work researchThe main goal is to conduct seminal work search and a scoping literature review about International Social Work in Canada and in Germany (after the year 1990). As outcomes the project will provide the stand of existing content and facilitate the development of themes and frameworks that will inform curricula, research and practices in the field of International Social Work education.
Students will conduct seminal work search, a scoping literature, and write a report of the results that will support the next steps to achieve the project goal.
I will support in :
- introducing the students to keys for the literature review search and list of journals to facilitate access to data
- providing subject matter content to international social work specific and social work education and research in general
- mentoring the students five hours weekly
About the company
Transformative, collaborative and supportive education: it’s at the heart of what we do. The same qualities are at the heart of what social workers do when they work with families, provide support and transform lives in the communities where they live and work. Students are prepared with the competencies and practice skills to assess and practice in a professional social work setting. Faculty members have a wide range of expertise in social work education, strong connections with the community, and active engagement in research and scholarly activities to advance social work education.