Encircling Care Summit Planning - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Saska Toon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Associate Professor
Academic experience
200 hours per student
Saska Toon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Advanced level

Project scope

Healthcare Public relations Community engagement Event planning Marketing strategy
marketing strategies healthcare industry knowledge communication peer review planning merchandise displays marketing coordinating research problem solving

At the end of this project, you will have co-developed and delivered a research, education, and recruitment summit for persons working or seeking to work in the healthcare industry caring with older adults. The summit is to be held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan April 30, 2024.


To complete this project, you will:

  • work with a patient-oriented research team (2-3 family partners, 2-3 researchers, multiple industry stakeholders)
  • co-design the event - coordinating key note speakers, managing communications, contacting industry partners, seeking partnership funding/sponsorship
  • coordinate communication and activities between team and venue
  • co-design marketing strategy and materials - roll-out the marketing strategy
  • coordinate peer review process for abstracts and coordination of poster display set-up and take-down during the event
  • co-deliver the event - set-up, take-down, problem-solving, IT coordination, small team coordination and leadership
  • attend team meetings (weekly) and end-of-project debrief to write final report and recommendations for future event

Weekly team meetings, one-on-one mentorship, guidance and skill development in ASANA and project coordination, intergenerational engagement and learning opportunities related to patient-oriented research teams.

About the company

Saska Toon, Saskatchewan, Canada
2 - 10 employees
Hospital, health, wellness & medical

BetterLTC (led by Dr. Roslyn M. Compton) was established in 2013. The team is interprofessional, national and international, and intergenerational (age range 18-85 years; 15 older adults between 65-85 years of age). Through our collaborations and partnerships with for-profit and not-for-profit community organizations, BetterLTC acts through knowledge mobilization, education, advocacy, and policy to challenge ageist healthcare services to support older adults to grow older in their choice of place with the support and services needed. Current partners include Sherbrooke Community Centre, Saskatoon; Golden Health Care Management Inc., Saskatoon; 3 rural and 3 urban long-term care homes in Saskatchewan; Saskatoon Fire Services; College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta; College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan; St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon; University of Regina, Regina; Memory Café, Crossmount Saskatoon; Saskatoon Council on Aging; Saskatchewan Long-term Care Network; Interprofessional Education, USask Health Science; the Saskatchewan Health Authority; Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association; Nav-CARE, British Columbia; and, the Canadian Red Cross.