Complex Business Problem and Solution Design - MS in Engineering Management

National University
San Diego, California, United States
Brian Epp
Associate Director of Workforce Education
  • August 10, 2024
    Experience start
  • October 27, 2024
    Experience end
2/2 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any company type
Any industries

Experience scope

Engineering project management Change management Operations Project management
project management business systems system lifecycle systems engineering
Student goals and capabilities

Do you have a complicated business problem or question that doesn't have an easy answer? Work with Capstone students from our Master of Science in Engineering Management program to get solution designs that can help move your company forward. Our students come to the program with an engineering background and choose to specialize in systems engineering or project management. This is an opportunity for our students to showcase and apply their academic knowledge in the business environment.

Client companies will be presented with teams’ recommendations that will align the organizational systems with their core mission. These recommendations will address; the needs for enhancements to the systemic operating processes, measurable improvements to efficiency and effectiveness of core business systems, elimination or minimization of potential projects failures (delays, quality, scope, budget), use of technology-based solution where and when applicable.


Advanced levels
15 students
240 hours per student
Administrators assign students to projects
Teams of 4
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Details around final project deliverables are negotiable but will include the relevant elements as specified above along with the following:

  • Complete written report that must meet student graduation requirements. The project report has 5 chapters: Introduction, Review of Literature, Methodology (or process), Implementation and Conclusion.
  • PowerPoint presentation for discussion
  • Zoom presentation of findings and recommendations to the client company and to the NU faculty
  • If needed, an opportunity for client companies to follow-up
Project timeline
  • August 10, 2024
    Experience start
  • October 27, 2024
    Experience end

Project Examples


Providing timely access to all relevant data is critical to the success of this experience. That includes both hard and soft data. Hard data are facts without opinions attached. Examples include data collected by machine such as weather temperature at a specific location or the number of students in a class who have blue eyes. These data are difficult to deny unless the collection method is biased in some manner. Soft data are data that are anecdotal in nature like data from survey and interview instruments. They contain opinion, so they can skew a research project. Soft data is useful to support hard data findings, but by themselves they do not carry as much weight.

The exact scope of teams’ deliverables will be finalized with client companies. Here is a sample of students’ capabilities:

  1. Develop and execute a contract between a team and the client company.
  2. Identify a problem (the pain) and propose a solution (the cure).
  3. Use best practices, systems thinking, analytical concepts, and software-based capabilities to simulate and optimize the proposed solution.
  4. Provide client companies with a complete end-to-end design, logical flow, test scripts, and software implementation/graphical rendition of the proposed solutions.
  5. Develop simulation models to emulate company’s systems
  6. Performing in a global, multidisciplinary, cross-functional environment.

Sample Projects from Former Students

Problem Statement

What are the causes behind adhesive failure for flooring applications relating to the moisture content of concrete foundations?

Research Questions

  1. What specifically happened during the adhesive failure experienced by ABC Construction and what products were in use? 
  2. What adhesives are commonly used to secure flooring to a concrete foundation and what are their characteristics? 
  3. What types of concrete are commonly used in construction and how do they handle moisture?  
  4. What characteristics of water intrusion or external waterproofing solutions should be considered for construction? 
  5. What Industry Practices are commonly used to prevent floor adhesive failures? 

Problem statement

The Poway Café and Bistro currently only offers 2 options for coffee drinkers, regular and decaf hot coffee. Jeff wants researchers to check if there would be a potential return on investment for lower priced, medium- priced, and expensive gourmet coffee machines.

Research Questions

  1. What is the history of Coffee Machines and how have they evolved?
  2. What are the currently available machines?
  3. What is the normal pricing for gourmet coffee?
  4. What types of coffee do consumers purchase the most?
  5. How do the operational costs differ by machine?
  6. Are there any ancillary benefits of these machines such as consumer satisfaction and customer retention?

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q1 - Checkbox
  • Q2 - Text short
    Execute a Hold Harmless agreement between your company and the university. You may also ask students to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement that must be executed during the first week of class. University employees will not sign NDAs.  *
  • Q4 - Checkbox
  • Q5 - Checkbox
  • Q6 - Checkbox
  • Q7 - Text short
    Please provide name and email addresses of team members available to support students during the project work. If you are comfortable sharing phone numbers, that would be appreciated as well.  *
  • Q8 - Checkbox