Chat Function - App Design & Implementation

UX design Mobile app development Software development
wireframing git (version control system) communication product roadmaps version control artificial intelligence
Project scope

What is the main goal for this project?

Our company advertises thousands of products online. However, we currently rely on slow modes of communication with our customers. Users have requested the functionality to contact sellers directly via a real-time chat function.

We would like to work with students to create a general chat application that can be easily ported to any other existing system.

This will involve several different steps for the students, including:

  • Researching technologies being used for chat applications.
  • Selecting the best technologies for creating a real-time application.
  • Producing a wireframe or mock-up of the resulting system’s user interface.
  • Creating a product roadmap for the system and an implementation plan detailing possible interactions with the system.

Bonus steps in the process would also include:

  • Developing an artificial intelligence chatbot.

What tasks will students need to complete to achieve the project goal?

By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:

  • Understanding of technologies currently used for chat applications
  • The reasoning behind chosen technologies
  • Documentation of models and attributes used
  • Plans and recommendations for implementation

Bonus steps would include:

  • Developing an automated chatbot

Final deliverables should include

  • A final report.
  • A presentation.
  • Source code for the system, preferably in a source control system such as Git.

How will you support students in completing the project?

Students will connect directly with us for mentorship throughout the project. We will be able to provide answers to questions such as:

  • Our current products and services
  • Our current platform and understanding of chat function development
  • Input on choices, problems or anything else the students might encounter.